Hi I'm AJ!
I'm a lifelong learner excited to share my journey through different passions with you.
With the goal of enhancing my general knowledge, I've turned to hobbies as my tool of choice. My main areas of interest are programming, futurism, permaculture, and self-improvement.
My learning approach starts with an understanding of the fundamentals, moves to applying that knowledge in a meaningful project, and ends with sharing the project for feedback and collaboration.
Getting Started
I've found the hardest part of learning a new skill to be the overwhelming amount of knowledge available. Tutorials have not been useful for me at the absolute beginner stage. Knowing how to follow along with someone else's steps hasn't translated into being able to do them on own outside the tutorials.
I need to know the why to be able to apply the how. Finding comprehensive resources to get a fundamental understanding of the new skill that I can build upon is the first step. Finding comprehensive resources to get a fundamental understanding of the new skill that I can build upon is the first step.
Practice Makes Perfect
Where tutorials truly shine is in getting to put that learned knowledge to work. They show you start to finish from laying out the project to seeing the final prototype.
Completing tutorials gives me confidence and helps me identify patterns that I can apply to my own project. Getting experience under my belt also makes me feel like I'm connected to the communities around these skills.
Collaborate and Listen
Meeting others with the same interest and gaining inspiration from their works is one of the greatest joys of starting a new hobby. With the vast amount of information available, it's possible to learn almost anything. Looking forward to adding to our collective knowledge and joining these communities.